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Nov 2nd Weekly Newsletter "Bucket List"

Writer's picture: Yenica Ivelisse BuskirkYenica Ivelisse Buskirk

Thank you again to all for your continued support on keeping everyone safe and doing your part not to spread the virus!!!

Be a part of the Maximum Care website!!

Contact Yenica if you have anything you would like to see in the website. Topics, suggestions, comments, all open, as long as is within our policies, procedures and to enhance education.



Be advised, Maximum Care Inc., will be closed Nov 25th thru Nov 29th, 2020 due to holiday!

**There is a new phone policy under Policies and Procedures. Read, sign, and submit to compliance.

Maximum Care will be sending new Policies in the mail. Please read, sign, and submit to compliance. Keep policies for your record and return the sign off form of the policy.


Make sure to check out our:


page!!!! All you have to do is go to the homepage and click on our f (Facebook)!! you are welcome to like our page. You can also let me know if you like the Information I am putting out through the website. Feedback is always welcome. You can even send me a personal message. Get involved, have a voice!


What do you love?

What is in your BUCKET LIST?

Do you ever stop and say, “I would love my favorite dish today”, “I am going to get this shirt because is my favorite color!”.

There are many people that go through life not knowing what they love. Many live their lives through other relationships. Never experiencing their true happiness.

We should all have a “bucket list”. A “bucket list" is a list of items that you would like to do before time is up. Remember time passes and seasons end!

You can have a small bucket list, which is to ice skate every year at the community ice rink, it can be to read one book of your favorite author twice a year, to get your favorite flower every pay, the list can go on.

You can have a big bucket list like going to go see the northern lights in Alaska, jump off a plane, go on a hot air balloon ride. Again, the list can go on.

I have loved ice skating since the first time I put my feet on the ice at the age of 5. My mom then payed so I can take classes since I loved it so much. However, I was unable to do it for years since we then moved to Puerto Rico and there was no ice there. When I came back from Puerto Rico one of the items on my bucket list has been to go to Rockefeller Center and skate. I will now be 45 years old and I am hopeful that it will be this year.

Many of times the items in our bucket list doesn’t make sense to others, but is about what would fill your heart with joy, happiness, hopefulness, etc.

Are you living on autopilot? Do you go to work or wake up knowing exactly what your life is going to look like day-to-day?

Everyone has the ability to make an incredible impact on the world, but to make an impact you have to be willing to change and adapt as life happens. With those changes comes a mixture of emotions: happiness, excitement, fear, sadness and anxiety. Do not let the fear of failing or working-hard stand in the way of your decision. Instead, chose to embrace those ‘negative’ emotions and view them as opportunity for growth and learning. Think about and continually remind yourself of all the reasons why change may be good for you, such as:

You Will Be Challenged

By stepping outside your comfort zone, you are challenging yourself and leaving what you ‘use to know’. It is okay to close some doors along the way.

By placing yourself in a new environment, around new people, with new rules or guidelines you are opening yourself up to a whole new world of opportunity. Your opinions and thoughts will be challenged, through conversation and further learning. You won’t know your full capability until you are placed in situations that continuously challenge you. Ideas could be sparked and it could lead you somewhere you never thought possible, simply because you chose to challenge yourself!

‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you’

You Will Learn New Things

We are all born curious. Our mind craves new information and understanding. It is important that we never stop asking questions, reading, researching and seeking out new ways of doing things.

Doing what you love will open up doors and opportunities to experience new environments and learn about the people and the world around us (all while learning about yourself as well. What are my true passions? What is my purpose? What are my strengths and talents? What drives me to want to do better? What makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning? Once you begin to answer these questions, you can then better gauge what will make you ‘truly’ happy. It may take a few different changes to find your ‘niche’, but trust me it’s well worth it.

I found my ‘niche’ to be hiking. I truly enjoy this. Part of my bucket list is to go on amazing hiking trails, see as many waterfalls as possible, and create memories.

‘If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you’

You Will Meet New People

Wherever you go you will meet new people. Healthy, sick, happy, miserable, political, careless, fit, energetic, lazy, motivated, negative, opinionated, short-tempered, educated, clueless, introverted, selfish, humble, inspiring… the list goes on. Not to mention all from various cultures, religions and educational backgrounds. The diversity of people in this world is astounding. Too often we get caught up in our own little ‘social bubble’ and can become narrow minded. By expanding that bubble, we are widening our network, challenging our thoughts, and opening ourselves up to further learning.

You never know what can come from any particular interaction, conversation or relationship. They could be your new best-friend, future husband or wife, employer, the spark to a bright idea or the connection to a new opportunity, etc. Expand that network!

You Will Experience True Happiness

If you are doing what you love, you will be happier. Not saying there won’t be some difficult days and difficult moments along the way, but even then, if you find yourself struggling you will be able to work through a lot easier because it is something you are passionate about. It is a lot easier to wake up and go to work when it is somewhere you ‘want’ to go. If you are doing what you love, it most often won’t even feel like ‘work’. You will be more focused and capable of living in the present moment, because your mind won’t be wandering off dreaming of something ‘better’. Your smile and conversation will be more genuine and in-turn you will attract other happy people.

You Will Inspire Others to Change

It is a domino effect. Many people wake up every day and go about their regular routine because it is what everyone else is doing around them. Go to work, come home, eat, sleep, go to work, come home, eat, sleep and then do it all over again. They have perhaps come to believe that this is the norm and that one must just continue to go about their life in a certain manner. People often discuss their dreams, or about making a change, though a very small percentage actually takes the next step in planning for that change, and even fewer commit to making it. Though if one person sees one person make a change, take a leap of faith, and succeed, then another may be more prone to do so, and so on and so on. People need to feel inspired, and we can do that for each other.

Let’s inspire the elderly and make them a weekly bucket list. Whether is to decorate their home for the holiday, finish a book, etc.

Most of all let’s inspire our kids. Create a bucket list with them, to instill joy and fond memories. I have decided to be of inspiration not only to my kids but my grandkids. I got to see the milky way a few weekends ago and I didn’t have to go to Alaska. I will be 45 and got to see wonders I never thought I could. In 2022 they are saying that we will be able to see the Milky Way and the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) at Cherry Springs State Park, Pa. I will be camping there with my grandsons for sure. Have them see things that sometimes people go their whole lives without seeing it.

‘If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place’

Change can be scary, but what is even scarier is looking back and regretting having not made those changes.

Not making a choice is a choice.

It is important to live a life you are proud of. Ask yourself ‘Is what I am doing making me happy? Is it enhancing my life? Do I look forward to waking up in the morning? If you are unable to answer yes to these questions, I hope you are able to find the strength to make a change and begin something new.

My motto is “While I can I will”.


Stop on in and visit the MaxBucks Café!!! We will be happy to serve you. On us!!

We would like to do our best to be supportive of our workforce!!!


Announcements to assist our participants and family:

Memory Café:

Is just that!!!!

Café where the participants can sit with friends, by themselves and share some memories and anything current on their mind.

You can Google Memory Café and you will get a good idea. This is a free community service that the organization Morningstar Memory Café by Senior Solutions are providing and not meant to be sales pitch.

Diagnosis is left at the door – a time for fun, a time to laugh – even if it means laughing at yourself. Mild to Moderate Dementia and their care partner.

Letter will be sent to all participants updating them on the Covid-19 and any other communicable disease steps that Maximum Care Inc is taking to keep everyone safe.

If you would like to volunteer feel free to call!





Help us come up with creative things to do with our elderly! What do you do for your clients?

We would like the caregivers to take 20 min of their shift if possible, to do creative things with their clients. We are the first and maybe the last person our clients see in the day or even week. Loneliness is a big part of their lives. Let’s take some time to show them that we are not just personal care or home care but show them that they are not alone.

Creative Based Incentive Contest:

1. Come up with a creative and fun activity to do with your client

2. Call, text or email Yenica with the activity (610-264-2353, 484-781-4603, or

3. The office staff will vote

4. Winner will receive a gift card

Refer a caregiver to Maximum Care Inc.:

You will receive $50 after 100 hrs worked. (At least within 2 months).


Travel Recommendations:

The Pa Dept of Health has recommended that if anyone travels to certain states that they quarantine for 14 days. Due to the daily changes from CDC and Pa Dept. Of Health, call into Maximum Care for instructions in regards to your travel plans and the impact that it may have.

Maximum Care Inc is following the recommendations at this time. If any changes come up, we will be posting it in the website It is your responsibility to make staffing aware if there is any client’s that will need to be covered while you are out either in quarantine or vacation.

Follow the following steps to request anytime of:

  1. Give us as much notice as possible.

  2. Either request “The time off request form” or your letter for time off should include the following: Name of Cl, day of service and time. State where you will be going and for how long.

  3. Email or mail the requested time off. Take note that we must put everything in the new system, even if time passes, we need everything in writing.



At this time due to the use of the EVV system we understand that documenting is difficult. Call the agency with any concerns you may have that you would like it to be documented. Especially if a client is refusing personal care or assistance of any kind. Call the agency if you need guidance with a client or have any question on the care that you are providing or feel that needs to be provided.

Maximum Care has also developed a form that is recommended to DCW to fill out when taking any kind of payment for items from clients. Call and request the form to be mailed to you or come into the office to get the form.


Maximum Care Inc is under state regulations to follow strict guidelines to pay DCW and to bill for all visits.

Maximum Care’s Inc responsibilities are to make sure that everyone is using EVV properly, pay all DCW properly, and to bill for the proper authorized hours allotted to the participant. We also supervise all clock in & clock out within the range and schedule time.

The system alerts Maximum Care if you clock in or out when you are not within GPS range. Example: you cannot clock in from the LV Mall when you are supposed to be in the client’s home. It will alert us and show us an address and map of your location when you clock in or out. If you are out of range this may cause delay of payment. If for any reason you need to clock in or out of range due to participant, you must call the agency and make us aware. For example: If participants have therapy, Dr appointments, dropping them of or picking up from a program, etc. Call Maximum Care for special instructions to ensure contractual permission.

It is your responsibility to inform the office, it is not Maximum Care Inc responsibility to call and confirm the “Why’s”. Maximum Care can reject the visit until further investigation is done which will delay your payment.



Make sure you communicate with the Staffing Department of any changes that need to be made to your schedule, availability, address, email, phone number, etc. It is important to keep all parties informed and the lines of communication remain open.

Open Work: If you go under more on the home page then click on open work tab, it will keep you posted on hours that are available at this time and the areas. Call Staffing to enquire about the open work available.



EVV system must be used to make sure that there is no interruptions, delays, or problem with direct deposit. In the future your pay will not be able to be processed if you are not using the system.

If your schedule changes for any reason we it is your responsibility to call it in. This way we can fix any discrepancy to your schedule.

If you are having any problems with the system call and report it to Yenica “Jen” Buskirk.



Read the Fire Safety Training Monthly Newsletter to develop safety at the forefront of client/employee daily activities.

Keep an eye open for the Direct Care Worker (DCW) Safety Implementation Form. Remember you are our eyes and ears; with your assistance we can continue to keep everyone safe.



Make sure that your employment file is within compliance to continue employment with Maximum Care. Compliance is no longer waived with all the contracts. Example of things that must be up to date are: all car information, CNA license, annual TB, annual physical. If any concerns or questions re: your file please contact Yenica “Jen” Buskirk at 610-264-2353 or

The Monitoring form must be done every shift.

If any questions please call Yenica “Jen” Buskirk at 610-264-2353. The monitoring form is under the more tab and then the Covid-19 prevention & infectious control tab.

You can submit it to the office by either emailing or mailing them to the office.

Stay Connected

There will be a set date and time where the caregivers/direct service worker will be able to contact the agency once a month. During the call they will be able to express but not limited to any concerns regarding their job, client, safety, etc.; complaints, grievances, training and/or web site suggestion. Our goal is to keep the lines of communication open between employee and employer.

  • 11/11 @ 2pm A thru L, 11/13/2020 @ 2pm M thru Z

The phone number for the monthly teleconferences is 701-802-5077 with the access code of 6456087#. It will be considered long distance, please keep in mind when using landlines.



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